Sainatha Guru Majhe aai!
At night the baby cries
And the mother comes running
Sleep, food she thinks of not
Her baby is always in her thought
You are no different oh Sadgurunaatha
You are to your devotees a mother, oh sainaatha
Just as a mother bestows on her child affection
To the beautiful moon and stars she draws his attention
When with the pain of worldly miseries I cried
Seeing your divine splendor my pain vanished
The world had become inhospitable
To many a places I went to be comfortable
All the doors were closed in my face
Of comfort and solace there was no trace
Only in your Masjid were the doors open
Only there did my misery lessen
I received all the comfort and solace
There came tears of joy on my face
In your lotus feet I found everything
Other than these there really is nothing
May you ever in my mind and heart reside
May I ever find you when I look inside
--Dedicated to the Lotus feet of the Sadguru
Shree Satchitananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai!
Bow to Shree Sai! Peace be to all!