You see through you yourself

Your names are countless
And yet you are nameless

Your forms are numerous
Yet you are essentially formless

They say you are in heaven
They say you sit on a throne

They say there are around you gardens
They say we are all sinners and must ask you pardons

And yet how can you be only in some place
When you are formless and everywhere?

One need not go far to seek you
For you are verily inside

Everything and everywhere is your realm
That means you are also within every being

How then have we committed sin?
For aren't you the only one there within?

This world is verily a dream and an illusion
All the various names and forms are a projection of your thought

The true principle from the smallest to the biggest
Is you and an illusion is the rest

You see through you yourself
Where then is the room for me?

When I look at the clearing from here, I see me
When I look from there, I see you

Hallaj asked you "who art thou?"
You replied simply "thou"

The water evaporates only
To fall down as rain again

Everyone forgets you easily
They try to restrict you in space and time

And yet he who truly forgets himself
Can only remember his true self

There is still a wall separating, the river from the sea
Once it breaks I will submerge in you

When I submerge, in thy clear waters
There is just clear water and nothing else


Anuradha said…
Beautilful poem Sharath!! I can't praise it enough... really wonderful poem
LifeOfSharath said…
Thanks Anuradha, all his grace :)
Wonderful!!!! U can become a great poet.. Awesome thoughts.. superb writing..
LifeOfSharath said…
Thanks Supriya..I am merely the pen..He alone is the author.. :)

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