
Showing posts from June, 2011


The sun, the clouds and the earth give impartially to every seed sown And they are neither overjoyed At the sight of a bountiful crop Nor are they dejected when The crop fails and the land is bare And yet I laud you when pleasures come my way And am angry at you when suffering fills my day A child may at times get angry at its mother But it's love for her diminishes not one bit Likewise oh Sai, do I love you so It is your boundless love that makes this possible Pleasure or pain, Sunshine or rain Let me always cling to your feet Lost in your love this fakiri does not matter Immersed in your thoughts, this fakir becomes a badshah

The company of the Divine!

Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha! I bow before the primordial power from whose single breath manifested this Universe and everything in it! Oh Lambodhara, fourteen worlds are contained in your belly. Thou art the source of all learning and knowledge. I humbly place my ego at your feet and beseech you to destroy the obstacles that might arise in my singing your glory. Different people call you by different names and yet in the end they all reach you. I then bow before Mother Saraswathi, for without her consent, how can one sing your glory? My obeisance be to Shree Sita Ramachandra, whose names are enough to reach the end. My obeisance to Lord Shiva whose abode is the pristine Kailasa. The name of Rama is ever on his lips, and the name of Shiva is ever on Hari's lips. Who can fathom this deep mystery. I then bow to all the saints, sadgurus and incarnations to bless me in singing their glory. I then bow before the Sweet form of the Sadguru, who is one with all the above.  You are the destinat

Santha Narahari : Vitthala or Shiva?

Om Shree Ganeshaya Namaha! My humble prostrations to the primordial power unto whom obeisance is paid before undertaking any venture. All the Vedas, Shastras, arts and sciences have verily originated from you and yet they fall silent when trying to describe you. What then is the way for a dullard like me. But I know that I am not the doer. You alone are the inner-dweller of one and all, and knowing you to be the sole inspirer and doer of all great works, I muster the courage in singing your glory, for no earthly pleasure can equal the sweetness of the stories of Saints. Once lodged in the heart, the drive away desires and give us peace of mind. Along with this comes complete submission to the supreme will after which there is no dearth for anything in this world and  hereafter. I then fall flat at the feet of Mother Saraswathi, clad in a pristine white saree and a vermillon mark on her forehead, and the beautiful peacock along her side. The vedas and the Sahastras verily was heard by t