The sweetness of Baba Farid

The bitter waters of worldly life
Became sweet with the sugar called Ganj-e-Shakar

The bitter taste of worldly talk
Became sweet by chanting your name

The toxic environment of the materialistic world
Turned into sweet scent of God's grace near Baba Farid

The hatred existing in the materialistic world
Metamorphoses into sweet love near Baba Farid

In the materialistic world there was much pride
At your majestic durbar everyone bowed and became humble

The essence of the materialistic world is illusion
Your sweet essence is for one and all emancipation

The world is full of bigots who do not remember Ali
You remember in every breath and are the supreme Wali

The materialistic world remembers  only the sinful
Guru Arjan Dev the embodiment of love remembered your form beautiful

The materialistic world is full of trouble and pain
In this I turn to you for the balm of blissful rain


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