A heavy bundle

A heavy bundle I picked up on my way home
For all my pain and anxiety it was to blame

So heavy was it that disoriented I felt
Lost the way and then did I fret

I sometimes kept the bundle down in pain
Futile exercise it was with no gain

I came across a fakir sitting near a neem tree
He asked me to keep the bundle down and feel free

I sat down in the tree's shade by his feet
I told him everything around me was like the Labyrinth of Crete

He said "Sit still and be quiet"
"I will do the rest"

Suddenly I was at home, feeling all light
I finally saw daylight after a long night

Gu means darkness it is known
Ru means destroyer of great renown

The guru is the destroyer of the darkness of ignorance
Only resorting to his lotus feet should be given prominence

Submit speech,hearing, actions and ego to him
Bask in his immeasurable grace at his blissful realm

When the cold winds of life in the form of problems make you shiver
Wrap yourselves in the shawl called his devotion, oh brother

Warm yourself at the fire of his grace
Using the scarf of his immeasurable love cover your face

Chant his name, lest from cold your mouth chatter
To be warm, all these things do matter

May the Sadguru keep us all from the cold in the form of problems in life warm
May he keep us away from harm

--Dedicated to the lotus feet of the Sadguru

--Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Raja Dhi Raja Yogiraja Parabrahma Shree Satchitananda

Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai

Bow to Shree Sai! Peace be to all!


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