Seeking the right thing at the right place.

Om Jai Sai Ram! It so often happens to us all that we seek happiness outside us. I will become happy when I get a new Kindle, when I buy a car, when I get a job, when I marry that girl. We are seeking something in things that are perishable. Can we really get everlasting happiness from any of these? On contemplating it is so easy to see that we cannot. Then what is it that we crave for in life? Why this life and it's many manifestations? Why the starry heavens and why the green earth?

In all this, we try often to get something that makes us fearless, free from worries and happy. Now this is what we must seek. And where does one seek them. As the great sages and saints have said, one must look within.

I write this, yet Maya (Illusory power of god) teases me often. When great men fall pray to her, what of me? I often forget the timeless principle of looking within and seek comfort outside. Only when Sadguru is remembered, Maya is forgotten. Baba often used to say "He who remembers me, I will always be there for him, but the moment he forgets me, Maya will lash her whip at him". There are several diseases that emanate from Maya. There is only one Hakim (Doctor), and that is Sagun Brahma (God with form), Satchitananda (Existence, Knowledge and Bliss) Sadguru . One must always resort to his feet to realize the truth.

This is how I felt, most of us lead our life

"I went out groping in the darkness looking for light..Only to find a powerful searchlight at home!"

The darkness is the world outside with it's many manifestations arising from Maya, and the searchlight is the Sadguru who is antaryamin (The in dweller) and the one essence of all that is.

I hope by the grace of the Sadguru, that I always find solace at his lotus feet and never get entangled in Maya.

Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Raja Dhi Raja Yogi Raja Parabrahma Shree Satchitananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai!

Avadhoota Chintana Shree Gurudeva Datta! Shree Gurudeva Datta! Shree Gurudeva Datta!

Bow to Shree Sai! Peace be to all!


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